Getting started in SvelteKit

Install Lucia using your package manager of your choice.

npm i lucia
pnpm add lucia
yarn add lucia

Initialize Lucia#

Import lucia() from lucia and initialize it in its own module (file). Export auth and its type as Auth. Make sure to pass the sveltekit() middleware. We also need to provide an adapter but since it’ll be specific to the database you’re using, we’ll cover that in the next section.

// src/lib/server/lucia.ts
import { lucia } from "lucia";
import { sveltekit } from "lucia/middleware";
import { dev } from "$app/environment";

// expect error (see next section)
export const auth = lucia({
	env: dev ? "DEV" : "PROD",
	middleware: sveltekit()

export type Auth = typeof auth;

Setup your database#

Lucia uses adapters to connect to your database. We provide official adapters for a wide range of database options, but you can always create your own. The schema and usage are described in each adapter’s documentation. The example below is for the Prisma adapter.

// src/lib/server/lucia.ts
import { lucia } from "lucia";
import { sveltekit } from "lucia/middleware";
import { dev } from "$app/environment";
import { prisma } from "@lucia-auth/adapter-prisma";
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";

const client = new PrismaClient();

export const auth = lucia({
	env: dev ? "DEV" : "PROD",
	middleware: sveltekit(),
	adapter: prisma(client)

Adapters for database drivers and ORMs#

Provider specific adapters#

Using query builders#

Set up types#

In your src/app.d.ts file, declare a Lucia namespace. The import path for Auth is where you initialized lucia().

// src/app.d.ts
/// <reference types="lucia" />
declare global {
	namespace Lucia {
		type Auth = import("$lib/server/lucia").Auth;
		type DatabaseUserAttributes = {};
		type DatabaseSessionAttributes = {};

export {};

Set up hooks#

This is optional but highly recommended. Create a new handle() hook that stores AuthRequest to locals.auth.

// src/hooks.server.ts
import { auth } from "$lib/server/lucia";
import type { Handle } from "@sveltejs/kit";

export const handle: Handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => {
	// we can pass `event` because we used the SvelteKit middleware
	event.locals.auth = auth.handleRequest(event);
	return await resolve(event);

Make sure to type Locals as well:

// src/app.d.ts
declare global {
	namespace App {
		interface Locals {
			auth: import("lucia").AuthRequest;

This allows us to share and access the same AuthRequest instance across multiple load times, which results in better load times when validating requests.

Next steps#

You can learn all the concepts and general APIs of Lucia by reading the Basics section in the docs. If you prefer writing code immediately, check out the Starter guides page or the examples repository.

Remember to check out the Guidebook for tutorials and guides! If you have any questions, join our Discord server!



Please note that password hashing will not work on Free Bundled Workers; the allocated 10ms CPU time is not sufficient for this. Consider using unbound workers or paid bundled workers for hashing operations. This is not an issue when using OAuth.