Handle users with OAuth

After authenticating the user with OAuth, you can get an existing or create a new Lucia user using ProviderUserAuth. If you’re using one of the built in providers, OAuth2ProviderAuth.validateCallback() and OAuth2ProviderAuthWithPKCE.validateCallback() will return a provider-extended instance of it.

import { github } from "@lucia-auth/oauth/providers";

const githubAuth = github();
const githubUserAuth = githubAuth.validateCallback();

Alternatively, if you’re using one of the OAuth helpers, you can use providerUserAuth() to manually create a new instance of it. It takes your Lucia Auth instance, the provider id (e.g. "github"), and the provider user id (e.g. GitHub user id).

const githubUserAuth = providerUserAuth(auth, "github", githubUserId);

Basic usage#

ProviderUserAuth.getExistingUser() will return a User if a Lucia user already exists for the authenticated provider account. This is based on the provider user id (e.g. GitHub user id) and not shared identifiers like email.

If not, you can create a new Lucia user linked to the provider with ProviderUserAuth.createUser(). You can get the provider user data with githubUser for GitHub, etc.

const getUser = async () => {
	const existingUser = await githubUserAuth.getExistingUser();
	if (existingUser) return existingUser;
	// create a new user if the user does not exist
	return await githubUserAuth.createUser({
		attributes: {
			githubUsername: githubUser.login
const user = await getUser();

// login user
const session = await auth.createSession({
	userId: user.userId,
	attributes: {}
const authRequest = auth.handleRequest();
authRequest.setSession(session); // store session cookie

Add a new key to an existing user#

Alternatively, you may want to add a new authentication method to an existing user. Calling ProviderUserAuth.createKey() will create a new key linked to the provided user id.

const existingUser = githubUserAuth.getExistingUser();
if (existingUser) {
	await createKey(currentUser.userId);

See OAuth account linking guide for details.


If you’re using one of the built in providers, OAuth2ProviderAuth.validateCallback() and OAuth2ProviderAuthWithPKCE.validateCallback() will return a provider-extended instance of ProviderUserAuth. This means in addition to the methods of ProviderUserAuth, it includes a few other properties and methods. While this isn’t strictly standardized, all providers include the provider user (e.g. github user) and an access token (refresh token if available).

Get provider user#

const githubUserAuth = await githubAuth.validateCallback(code);
const githubUsername = githubUserAuth.githubUser.login;

Get API tokens#

const githubUserAuth = await githubAuth.validateCallback(code);
const githubAccessToken = githubUserAuth.githubTokens.accessToken;