OAuth integration for Reddit. Refer to Reddit OAuth documentation archive for getting the required credentials. Provider id is reddit
import { reddit } from "@lucia-auth/oauth/providers";
import { auth } from "./lucia.js";
const redditAuth = reddit(auth, configs);
Scope identity
is always selected.
const reddit: (
auth: Auth,
configs: {
clientId: string;
clientSecret: string;
redirectUri: string;
scope?: string[];
tokenDuration?: "permanent" | "temporary";
) => RedditProvider;
name | type | description | optional | default |
auth | Auth | Lucia instance | | |
config.clientId | string | Reddit OAuth app client id | | |
config.clientSecret | string | Reddit OAuth app client secret | | |
config.redirectUri | string | Reddit OAuth app redirect Uri | | |
config.scope | string[] | an array of scopes | ✓ | |
config.tokenDuration | "permanent" | "temporary" | access token duration | ✓ | "permanent" |
See OAuth2ProviderAuth
// implements OAuth2ProviderAuth<RedditAuth<_Auth>>
interface RedditAuth<_Auth extends Auth> {
getAuthorizationUrl: () => Promise<readonly [url: URL, state: string]>;
validateCallback: (code: string) => Promise<RedditUserAuth<_Auth>>;
name | extends | default |
_Auth | Auth | Auth |
type RedditTokens = {
accessToken: string;
type RedditUser = {
is_employee: boolean;
seen_layout_switch: boolean;
has_visited_new_profile: boolean;
pref_no_profanity: boolean;
has_external_account: boolean;
pref_geopopular: string;
seen_redesign_modal: boolean;
pref_show_trending: boolean;
subreddit: {
default_set: boolean;
user_is_contributor: boolean;
banner_img: string;
restrict_posting: boolean;
user_is_banned: boolean;
free_form_reports: boolean;
community_icon: string;
show_media: boolean;
icon_color: string;
user_is_muted: boolean;
display_name: string;
header_img: string;
title: string;
coins: number;
previous_names: string[];
over_18: boolean;
icon_size: [number, number];
primary_color: string;
icon_img: string;
description: string;
allowed_media_in_comments: any[];
submit_link_label: string;
header_size: any;
restrict_commenting: boolean;
subscribers: number;
submit_text_label: string;
is_default_icon: boolean;
link_flair_position: string;
display_name_prefixed: string;
key_color: string;
name: string;
is_default_banner: boolean;
url: string;
quarantine: boolean;
banner_size: [number, number];
user_is_moderator: boolean;
accept_followers: boolean;
public_description: string;
link_flair_enabled: boolean;
disable_contributor_requests: boolean;
subreddit_type: string;
user_is_subscriber: boolean;
pref_show_presence: boolean;
snoovatar_img: string;
snoovatar_size: [number, number];
gold_expiration: any;
has_gold_subscription: boolean;
is_sponsor: boolean;
num_friends: number;
features: {
mod_service_mute_writes: boolean;
promoted_trend_blanks: boolean;
show_amp_link: boolean;
chat: boolean;
is_email_permission_required: true;
mod_awards: boolean;
expensive_coins_package: boolean;
mweb_xpromo_revamp_v2: {
owner: string;
variant: string;
experiment_id: number;
awards_on_streams: boolean;
mweb_xpromo_modal_listing_click_daily_dismissible_ios: true;
chat_subreddit: boolean;
cookie_consent_banner: boolean;
modlog_copyright_removal: boolean;
do_not_track: boolean;
images_in_comments: boolean;
mod_service_mute_reads: boolean;
chat_user_settings: boolean;
use_pref_account_deployment: boolean;
mweb_xpromo_interstitial_comments_ios: boolean;
mweb_xpromo_modal_listing_click_daily_dismissible_android: boolean;
premium_subscriptions_table: boolean;
mweb_xpromo_interstitial_comments_android: true;
crowd_control_for_post: boolean;
mweb_nsfw_xpromo: { owner: string; variant: string; experiment_id: number };
noreferrer_to_noopener: boolean;
chat_group_rollout: boolean;
resized_styles_images: boolean;
spez_modal: boolean;
mweb_sharing_clipboard: {
owner: string;
variant: string;
experiment_id: number;
can_edit_name: boolean;
verified: boolean;
pref_autoplay: boolean;
coins: number;
has_paypal_subscription: boolean;
has_subscribed_to_premium: boolean;
id: string;
has_stripe_subscription: boolean;
oauth_client_id: string;
can_create_subreddit: boolean;
over_18: boolean;
is_gold: boolean;
is_mod: boolean;
awarder_karma: number;
suspension_expiration_utc: any;
has_verified_email: boolean;
is_suspended: boolean;
pref_video_autoplay: boolean;
has_android_subscription: boolean;
in_redesign_beta: boolean;
icon_img: string;
pref_nightmode: boolean;
awardee_karma: number;
hide_from_robots: boolean;
password_set: boolean;
link_karma: number;
force_password_reset: boolean;
total_karma: number;
seen_give_award_tooltip: boolean;
inbox_count: number;
seen_premium_adblock_modal: boolean;
pref_top_karma_subreddits: boolean;
pref_show_snoovatar: boolean;
name: string;
pref_clickgadget: number;
created: number;
gold_creddits: number;
created_utc: number;
has_ios_subscription: boolean;
pref_show_twitter: boolean;
in_beta: boolean;
comment_karma: number;
accept_followers: boolean;
has_subscribed: boolean;
linked_identities: any[];
seen_subreddit_chat_ftux: boolean;
Extends ProviderUserAuth
interface RedditUserAuth<_Auth extends Auth> extends ProviderUserAuth<_Auth> {
redditUser: RedditUser;
redditTokens: RedditTokens;